… Africa, Australia (+ New Zealand) and Asia

Posts Tagged ‘Netbook

New fellow traveller added…

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… I was so between doing it or not the last months. I researched the market in Bangkok, Borneo, Singapore, Australia and Indonesia but it seemed that it was never the right time to make the buy. Until now. Since July 16th I will be travelling with a new companion, the Lenovo S10-2 Ideapad!

Lenovo Ideapad S10-2

Lenovo Ideapad S10-2

Believe you me it was not an easy decision. To start with I was to add 1.2 kilograms in my backpack; something being on the contrary to my trying to travel light. But then I thought I will soon have to do without my Lonely Planet guide – to be honest I had enough of it – so that will make up for it likely.

Now I promise to write up on the blog more, upload those photos faster and well… erm… keep in touch more? We’ll see 😉

Written by csm2mk

July 19, 2009 at 4:31 PM